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  1. Matveev S.M., Timashchuk D.A., Matskovsky V.V. The intensity of the climatic signal in the dynamics of the inсrement of Scots pine (Pinus silvestris L.) of the Khrenovskii forest (Voronezh region). /Voronezh, Moscow/

  2. Sivolapov A.I., Isakov I.Yu., Galdina T.E., Zhurikhin A.I. Creation of experimental plantation crops of fast-growing tree species in the Central forest-steppe. /Voronezh/

  3. Bespalenko O.N., Galdin V.K., Revin A.I., Esipov N.E. Pyrogenous successions in the deciduous forests of the Voronezh Region. /Voronezh, Lipetsk/

  4. Gorobec A.I., Milenin A.I., Terekhov V.I. Carbon deposition by oak forests and willow cenoses. /Voronezh, Kursk/

  5. Mironenko A.V., Timashchuk D.A., Verissimo N.D. Monetization of the estimated logging area of the Telerman Forestry of the Voronezh Region. /Voronezh, Portugal/

  6. Slavskiy V.A., Vodolazhskiy A.N., Biganova S.G. A comprehensive assessment of the sustainability of nuts of the genus Juglans on adaptive features in the Voronezh region. /Voronezh, Maikop/

  7. Tsukanova E. M., Tkachev E. N. Dynamics of Air temperature in the East-European forest-steppe and damage to fruit plants. /Michurinsk/

  8. Mikhin V. I., Mikhina E. A., Malyshev V. V., Chernodubov A.I. Monitoring and polymorphism of artificial plantations in forest-steppe. /Voronezh/

  9. Tsaralunga V. V., Tsaralunga A. V., Furmenkova E. S.,  Sukhorukikh Yu.I. Improving diagnostics of trees state on external signs of pathology. /Voronezh, Maikop/

  10. Panova N.A., Fesikova O.V., Kazmina O.O., Novikova E.S. Social-valuable aspects of ecogumanism in the development of the modern society. /Voronezh/

  11. Kvasov O.N., Semenova E.V., Saltyk G.A. Study of forestry and forest management in pre-revolutionary Russia (historiographic aspect). /Voronezh, Kursk/

  12. Arefiev Y.F.,  Garnaga V.V., Kornev I. I., Churakov B.P. The principle of a free choice of the Nature in forest scosystems. /Voronezh, Ulyanovsk/

  13. Kapitonov D.Y., Prokhorova N.L., Turchaninova E.V., Senf V. Factors of species diversity of the Voronezh upland oak forest. /Voronezh, USA/

  14. Kharchenko N.N., Voronin N.E., Semenov U.А. Assessment of natural-territorial complexes of the upper reaches of the rivers Chvizhepse and Sochi, as to the potential suitability of habitat for the Panthera pardus ciscaucasica. /Voronezh, Sochi/

  15. Popova A.A., Popova V.T., Dorofeeva V.D., Sorokopudova O.A. Environmental pollution by highway influence on Oak (Quercus robur L.) mithosis pathologies. /Voronezh, Moscow/

  16. Degtyareva  S.I., Doroveeva V.D., Zolotareva E.V.  Sinusia of еpiphytic mosses of the main forest-forming species. /Voronezh, Orel/

  17. Kartashova N.P., Piatih A.M., Selivanova A.S., Tikhonova E.N. System of landscaping of park territories of the city of Voronezh. /Voronezh, Belgorod/

  18. Kochergina M. V., Priputen L.A., Kornelius M.M. Fungi order Erysiphaceae in the plantings of Voronezh: peculiarities of spreading, injuriousness and ways of plant protection. /Voronezh, Republic of Kenya/

  19. Sukhorukov D.V., Tsaregorodtsev A.V., Novikov V.A., Akhtyrtsev A.B. The modern state of ornamental plants of the Olympic Park of Sochi. /Voronezh/

  20. Treschevskaya E.I., Tichonova E.N., Golyadkina I.V. Malinina T.A. Soil formation processes on post-mining and post-industrial sites. /Voronezh/

  21. Chernyshov M.P., Azon H.S. Assessment of growth and state of young scots pine plantations created on cuttings and burnt areas in the forest-steppe zone of the European part of the Russian Federation /Voronezh, Republic of Benin /

  22. Rusanov N.V., Maksimenko S.A. The features of the dynamics of the number and spatial distribution of the beaver population in the conditions of the Kursk region. /Voronezh, Kursk/

  23. DedenkoT.P., S.V. Navalikhin S.V. The environmental aspect of the hardness man-made soils in forestry reclamation of the Kursk magnetic anomaly. /Voronezh, Kursk/

  24. Zinovyeva I.S., Rezanov V.K., Makareva E.A., Pecherskaya O.A. Public-private partnership as an instrument of economically sustainable usage of forest resources of sparsely forested area. /Voronezh, Khabarovsk/

  25. Bezrukova T.L., Kuksova I.V., Kirillova S.S., Gyyazov A.T. Forecasting of the forest complex development in the formation of the digital economy. /Voronezh, Kirgizia’s republic (Kyzyl Kia)/

  26. Stepanova Yu.N., Sibiryatkina I.V., Busarina Yu.V., Shtondin A.A. Prerequisites for the implementation of a balanced scorecard in strategic forest management. /Voronezh/

  27. Yakovleva E.A., Nebesnaya A.Y., Azarova N.A., Voznaya O.M. Comparative evaluation of the «green» development of Russian regions. /Voronezh, Simferopol/

  28. Panyavina E.A. , Rafailov M.K., Vovchenko N.G. Anti-recessionary management of enterprises of the forest complex of the region. /Voronezh, Moscow, Rostov-on-Don/

  29. Morkovina S.S., Ivanova A.V., Seydinay E. Prioritization of perspective directions for innovative development of forestry. /Voronezh, Albania/

  30. Popova I.N., Usova I.P., Vertakova Yu.V., Epifanova Т.V. Features of management of recreational systems. /Voronezh, Kursk, Rostov/

  31. Subhonberdiev A.Sh., Terechkina T.R., Titova E.V.,  Bychkova L.V. Strategy of sustainable development of the timber industry complex as a subsystem of the regional economy. /Voronezh, St. Petersburg, Kursk/

  32. Shanin I.I., Lochkareva O.V.,  Baziyeva A.M.  Directions of effective development of timber industry enterprise. /Voronezh, Kazakhstan (Astana), Kirgizia’s republic (Kyzyl Kia)/

  33. Platonov A. D., Mikheevskaya M. A., Snegireva S. N., Kiseleva A. V. Increasing service lifetime of wood railway sleepers. /Voronezh/

  34. Sushkov S.I., Burmistrova O.N., Pilnik Yu.N., Chernikov E.A. Improvement of timber transport flows on the basis of economic and mathematical methods. /Voronezh/

  35. Razinkov E.M., Kantiyeva E.V., Ponomarenko L.V., Ishchenko T.L. Production of ecologically safe wood-based panels from waste of the enterprises of forest complex. /Voronezh/

  36. Chernykh A.S., Maksimenkov A.I., , Abramov V.V., Troyanov I.N. Improvement of cutting operations with logging tools. /Voronezh/

  37. Storobubtseva T.N., Aksomitny A.A., Kuznetsov D.S., Grigoriev D.S. Investigation of the physic-mechanical characteristics of the new wood polymer-sand composite material. /Voronezh/

  38. Novikov A.I. Visible wave spectrometric features of scots pine seeds. /Voronezh/

  39. Novikov A.I., Ivetić V. Biometric features of scots pine in the nursery practice by coat color grading seeds. /Voronezh, Serbia (Belgrade)/

  40. Novikov A.I., Ersson T. Forest aerial seeding in Russia: a selected literature analysis. /Voronezh, Sweden/

  41. Bartenev I.M., Popikov P.I., Malyukov S.V. Research and development of a method for the formation and supply of ground in the form of concentrated flow to the edge of a moving land-based forest fire. /Voronezh/

  42. Asminin V.F., Venevitin A.A., Druzhinina E.V., Chukarin A.N. Noise reduction during machining of thin-walled steel structures using removable vibro-damping coatings with magnetic fixation. /Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don/

  43. Osmolovsky D.S., Asminin V.F., Baklanova O.V., Chukarin A.N. Reducing noise from round woodworking machines by applying vibration damping friction pads between the saw blade and the clamping flange. /Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don/

  44. Lapshina M.L., Eidelman Yu.S. Formation of decision rules based on the apparatus of classification trees. /Voronezh, Israel (Holon)/

  45. Matveev N.N., Rychkov A.A., Kamalova N.S., Evsikova N.Yu. Thermopolarization mechanism for the transport of salt solutions in the xylem of woody plants in early spring. /Voronezh, Tver/

  46. Saushkin V.V., Lisitsyn V.I., Postnikov V.V., Mahjoub A.  The conception of analyzing IR–spectrograms for studying the composition of natural wood. /Voronezh, Morocco/

  47. Kamalova N.S., Panyushkin N.N., Yuryev N.Yu., Evsikov I.D. Schematic diagram of amplification of temperature sensor signals in the tree trunks. /Voronezh/

  48. Aksenov A. A., Malyukov S. V., Tambi A.A. Wood modification by electromagnetic energy of microwave. /Voronezh, St. Petersburg/

  49. Nikitin V.S., Belov R.B. Multiagent robotic complex for extinguishing forest fires. /Moscow/

  50. Korchagin O.M., Mashkina O.S., Tregubov O.V. Field trials of the multiplied in vitro clones of triploid poplar white and gray in different growth conditions. /Voronezh/

  51. Rubtsov V.V., Utkina I.A. Refoliation as an indicator of the current state of forest stands after damage of crowns by phyllophagous insects. /Moscow/

  52. Nagimov Z.Ya., Aboveground phytomass of pine in the middle Urals. /Ekaterinburg/

  53. Shevelina I.V., Sharafieva G.I., Nagimov Z.Ya Structure of stands of  urban plantations of Sebirian spruce in the city of Yekaterenburg. /Ekaterinburg/

  54. Grigoryev A.A., Murzina A.N., Nazimov Z.Ya. Modern expansion of junipier on steppe slopes of the Southen Urals. /Ekaterinburg/

  55. Nazimov Z.Ya., Blonskaya L.N., Muftakhova S.I. Ecological and silvicultural characteristics of growth and development of poplar of the Bashkir pyramidal by Berezin-Levashov (Populus nigra L.x P. nigra f. Italica Duroi) in an urban environment. /Ekaterinburg/

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